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Egg and Spoon Summer Lacrosse 2021– COVID-19 Return to Play Plan



As a safety precaution, we anticipate requiring masks for 2022 Summer Camps


(Per Governor Inslee’s requirements on February 1st 2021)


  • Facial coverings required for all coaches, volunteers and athletes at all times, including under helmets.

  • Masks should cover nose and mouth at all times.  *This will be strictly enforced*

  • We will provide opportunities for hand washing, as well as hand sanitizing stations.

  • We will keep a roster of every athlete and staff present each day of camp in order to do contact tracing in the event of a possible exposure. (Attendance records will be kept on file for 28 days.)  


Field Arrival/Check-In:​

  • All players will have infrared laser temperature checks prior to stepping onto the field (a temperature less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit will be required to play)

  • All players will answer COVID survey questions and only be cleared to participate once their COVID status is validated by the coach

  • Players will use hand sanitizer after temperature check

  • Players will maintain at least 6 feet distance between players/coaches at all times (unless in drill/scrimmage)

  • Once checked in, players will go to a designated space, where they can keep their bag and equipment. 

    • Get helmets on (remove masks if desired)

    • Wait on the field for coach’s instructions

    • Maintain distance between other players and coaches

    • No handshakes, fist bumps, elbow bumps, high-fives, or direct contact with other players or coaches.




  • Face masks are required for players, coaches, and adults

  • Physical distance of 6 feet must be maintained between coaches, staff, and any spectators at all times with exceptions for training and medical personnel and volunteers performing their medical duties

  • Six feet of distance must be maintained among athletes when not engaged in sporting activities.  Huddles and team meetings must be physically distanced

  • All spectators from different households are to remain 6 feet apart

  • High touch surfaces and shared equipment will be disinfected before and after each use.

  • Restrooms are cleaned and disinfected regularly by Parks and Recreation



After Session:

  • No congregating or additional play on the sidelines


Players that disregard the guidelines will be asked to leave the field and go home that day by their assigned coach.  Repeat offenses will result in dismissal from the remaining sessions.

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